81% Capital Value
18% Fixed Charges
Auckland has $28.1 billion of empty or under-used land.
Inflation adjusted rents have risen by 20% since 2013.
With a switch to land value rates the median resident would see their rates bill drop by:
For lower-value residential properties, the median rates cut would be 20.3%.
52% Capital Value
48% Fixed Charges
Queenstown-Lakes has $5.5 billion of empty or under-used land.
Inflation adjusted rents have risen by 65% since 2013.
With a switch to land value rates the median resident would see their rates bill drop by:
For lower-value residential properties, the median rates cut would be 41.0%.
95% Capital Value
5% Fixed Charges
Wellington has $4.3 billion of empty or under-used land.
Inflation adjusted rents have risen by 19% since 2013.
With a switch to land value rates the median resident would see their rates bill drop by:
For lower-value residential properties, the median rates cut would be 10.5%.
Lower Hutt
63% Capital Value
37% Fixed Charges
Lower Hutt has $434 million of empty or under-used land.
Inflation adjusted rents have risen by 42% since 2013.
With a switch to land value rates the median resident would see their rates bill drop by:
For lower-value residential properties, the median rates cut would be 21.5%.
Lower Hutt
New Plymouth
55% Land Value
45% Fixed Charges
New Plymouth has $434 million of empty or under-used land.
Inflation adjusted rents have risen by 45% since 2013.
With a switch to land value rates the median resident would see their rates bill drop by:
For lower-value residential properties, the median rates cut would be 17.3%.
New Plymouth
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